Big changes behind the curtain
In the story of the Wizard of Oz, Toto pulls back the curtain to reveal the man behind the curtain. Today, I want to pull back the curtain for Pacific Crest.
Every day our members interact with an entire team of people: at branches, in the phone center, and through secure messaging within online banking, and through email, but that is only half the story. There isn’t just one person behind the scenes magically making thousands upon thousands of transactions a day flow where they are supposed to, keeping our power bill paid, and our books balanced.
Behind the curtain people are busy reconciling transactions, making sure we have all the supplies we need, keeping our computer systems going, and so much more that goes into keeping any business running. With all of this activity, and with all of the equipment it takes to keep us moving, we find things are constantly wearing out, becoming obsolete, or just not keeping up with us as we grow. So we’re continually replacing and upgrading things, most that are never seen.
Well, the next few months are going to be a little different.
We’re going to be making some very visible changes around here.
Remodel on Washburn Way
First, we’re going to remodel our branch on Washburn Way in Klamath Falls. The building is 36 years old. It’s never undergone a major remodel before, and the time has come. We’ve grown a lot in the last 36 years, and at this location, we’re bursting at the seams. Imagine people working at desks in back hallways, and you’ll get the idea.
Fortunately, the location has more space than it would seem. The upcoming remodel will increase our capacity for staff by more than 20 percent, without adding onto the building. We’ll also replace worn out heating and air conditioning systems, improve member privacy, and provide a great new atmosphere to conduct business in.
New website & brand refresh
Second, we’re going to refresh the look of the Pacific Crest brand. Our current logo was designed about the same time that scrunchies, skorts, and Nirvana were at their peak in popularity: not only is it showing its age, but it’s not distinctly visible and recognizable. The new look was designed to be reflective of our values, heightens our visibility, and contains elements of our heritage and the beautiful area which we are blessed to call home.
We encourage you to look for to some big changes and join us on the journey starting this October and continuing to develop into next year. We’re excited to roll out our new look and incorporate a new continuity in everything from our branch design to our name tags.
Stay tuned!